Employment law can include complex rules and regulations that play a significant role in maintaining employer-employee relationships. As modern workplaces are becoming diverse and regulations constantly evolve, an employment attorney’s advice and guidance can be vital. As an employee, knowing your rights can make sure you get fair treatment in the workplace. Chances are that you do not know other rights you may have. Thankfully, this Capclaw Employee Survival Guide Podcast can walk you through these rights and how you can protect them at work. Meanwhile, below are some employee rights you must be aware of:
Right to a Safe Working Environment
No matter the industry you work in, your employer should offer you a safe working environment. Employee rights violations can arise when an employer knows or gets reports of safety concerns and ignores them.
Unsafe workplaces can result in work injuries or death. If your employer does not address safety issues, reach out to an employment attorney and discuss your case. Your attorney can help you pursue a claim or take legal action against your employer for violating your right to a safe working environment.
Right to Fair Compensation
No matter your occupation, you deserve to get fair wages for your work. The FLSA ensures employees get a minimum wage. If your work hours go beyond the typical 40 hours, you are eligible for overtime pay, which is 1.5 times your usual pay rate.
In addition, fair compensation covers equal pay for equal work, no matter your age, race, or gender. It makes sure you are compensated based only on your performance at work and not on discriminatory factors. Wage violations can take place when your employer miscalculates your regular pay, overtime pay, paid time off, vacation pay, sick time, termination pay, and commission-based payments.
Right to Privacy
Even if you are at work, you deserve privacy. This means that your employer cannot monitor your emails or phone calls, search your belongings, or get information about your personal life without a valid reason. Although your employer can monitor job-related activities to prevent misconduct and guarantee productivity, there are things they cannot do under the law.
Furthermore, your personal information such as your social security number is protected by privacy laws. Under such laws, this information cannot be shared without your permission. But if you think your privacy is violated, speak up or contact an attorney to know what to do.
Right to a Discrimination-Free Workplace
Discrimination is a common workplace issue. It can take place when you get unfair treatment at work based on your age, race, religion, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and other protected characteristics. As an employee, you deserve fair treatment at work, and if you think you have been discriminated against, report the incident to your employer. If your employer does not respond to your complaint, reach out to an attorney to protect your rights and assert a violation of your rights at work.
Right to Harassment-Free Work
Harassment involves unwelcome conduct in the workplace. It can happen in many forms. Sexual harassment can happen when somebody makes unwanted advances on you, including inappropriate touching. Such kind of harassment can also take place if somebody makes inappropriate remarks to you. But there are other types of harassing behavior at work. This includes making jokes about your appearance and beliefs, posting or circulating offensive photos or texts in the workplace, and making physical or verbal threats. No employee must face employee rights violations like discrimination and harassment. If your employer violated your employee rights, call an attorney for legal guidance. Your attorney will not only protect your rights but also make sure your voice is heard.